
DAY 8 – DAW February

Pointing theorem; Vector and scalar potentials; Electromagnetic field tensor, covariance of Maxwell’s equations; Wave equations in isotropic dielectrics, Questions: Q 1. A region 1, z<0z<0z<0, has a dielectric material with ϵr=3.2\epsilon_r=3.2ϵr​=3.2 and a region 2, z>0z>0z>0 has a dielectric material with ϵr=2.0\epsilon_r=2.0ϵr​=2.0. Let the displacement vector in the region 1 be, D⃗1=−30ax+50ay+70aznCm−2\vec D_1 = -30a_x+50a_y+70a_z

DAY 8 – DAW February Read More »

DAY 7 – DAW February

Displacement current and Maxwell’s equations; Wave equations in vacuum, Questions: Q 1. For the electric field given by E=EoeiωtE= E_oe^{i\omega t}E=Eo​eiωt, show that the conduction current is in phase with the electric field, while the displacement currents lead the electric field by π/2\pi/2π/2 radians. Also, show that the displacement current in a good conductor is

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